ارجوكم اريد حل مفصل للتمرين 78 ص 34 من كتاب الرياضيات
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منتدى الطلبات والبحوث المدرسية للتعليم الثانوي AS
ارجوكم اريد حل مفصل للتمرين 78 ص 34 من كتاب الرياضيات
الفرع 2 // من التمرين
ماهي العلاقة بين الاستعمار والحركة الاستعمارية
والفرق بين بينهما
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
الاستراتيجية بالنقل الحرفي للكلمة الانجليزية Strategy، هي خطط أو طرق توضع لتحقيق هدف معين على المدى البعيد اعتماداً على التخطيطات والإجراءات الأمنية في استخدام المصادر المتوفرة في المدى القصير.
يعود أصل الكلمة إلى التعبير العسكري ولكنها الآن تستخدم بكثرة في سياقات مختلفة مثل سراطيات العمل سراطيات التسويق الخ.
تهدف الإستراتيجية إلى تحقيق هدف السياسة عن طريق الاستخدام الأمثل لكافة الإمكانات والوسائل المتوفرة. وتختلف الاهداف من سياسة لأخرى ومن إستراتيجية لأخرى. فقد لا يتحقق الهدف الا باتباع أسلوب هجومي لاحتلال اراضي الغير أو فرض شروط معينة عليه أو باتباع أسلوب دفاعي لحماية أرض الوطن ومصالح وقيم الامة مثلا. وقد يكون الهدف سياسيا أو اقتصاديا أو عسكريا أو معنويا وقد يكون صغيرا محدودا كاحتلال جزء من أرض دولة ما اوكبيرا كالقضاء على كيان تلك الدولة نهائيا.
.تتباين الوسائل التي تستخدمها الإستراتيجية لتحقيق هدفها تبعا للتباين في طبيعة واهمية ذلك الهدف وتبعا للإمكانات والقدرات المتاحة للظروف والاجواء المحلية والدولية السائدة.
ان الوسيلة العسكرية هي الوسيلة الحاسمة للوصول للهدف
مفهوم الاستعمار
هو مصطلح يعني امتداد السيطرة السياسية و الاقتصادية من دولة قوية على دولة ضعيفة
مفهوم الحركة الاستعمارية
هي حركة سياسة و عسكرية ظهرت في اوروبا في القرن 15 نظرا لازدهار الحركة التجارية و تزعمتها ..اسبانيا و هولندا
و البرتغال ثم توسعت في القرنين 18 و 19 بعد انتشار الثورة الصناعية و تزعمتها كل من ..فرنسا و بريطانيا
ان شاء الله يستفيد الجميع
تم تقيم الاخت fatima17
لحبها فعل الخير ومساعدة الاخرين +++++
Project n°: 01
Of :
Lifestyles in algeria
Passed from : Section :
– 2 L
Under the supervision of :
School year : 2022 – 2022 .
Search criteria:
1 – Introduction
2 – Clothing Algeria
* In the past,
* In the present
* Future
3 – Eating in Algeria
* In the past,
* In the present
* Future
4 – Entertainment in Algeria
* In the past,
* In the present
* Future
5 – Conclusion.
Provided :
To talk about heritage and ancient ways of living in the present day, it became something that is not mentioned, because of the specter of Altknuluja, and civilization that has touched all aspects of our daily lives, at all levels, especially where the cultural level, I sensed in the traditional Our punishment has been transformed into a mere Textile placed in museums, and turning our food the old to the modern health only, and invaded and traditional entertainment, internet technology, but all this does not mean that touched on to talk about the old ways of Algerians live and how they are now, and why not, if we were to give a simplified idea of how the future will, All of this we will address in our research that this simplified I hope to be at the required level .
Keeping pace with civilization and development and fashion and the latest fashion to make of our forgotten and became in some Algerian youth something of no value to him, this, which forced us to consider in what was wearing an old Algerian, and how the evolution of the shares recently, and why not talk about what will be the Mstfbla.
1-In the Past :
The Algerian old civilization today is not known
Young people and Alrjalilpson the same clothes, and on either end, His clothes were
Alakechbi, and Albernos as prevailing at that time as well as find the turban, Alguendorp.
As for women, so be celebrities: Hayek is the color white for the villages and small towns, either Balnsppaly major cities and capitals, knows us, so Malmlaip colored black.
2-In the present:
Did not leave us nothing called civilization heritage, we have become slaves to fashion alphabet can not find an Algerian woman, young or processions, but to them, it appeared we Stylat such as: hip-hop, rock, and Classic and sports wear and other clothing St yles
Into the future:
I can not give a look at or predict
Because in the evolution of fashion, and we as young people in its regard, and followed step by step, in short I think As a member of this community and a young woman of this age, that the clothes will be worse in the future than they are
Algerian eating:
1/-In the past :
Vary old Algerian dishes and perhaps us, namely:
Soup is the most important meal of Algeria, until he did not complete any feast or call at the Algerian families without a basting s commencing as in Klone Algerian *****ng varies from one party to another is ongoing at the East and the soup in the capital and calories in the West .
Almtalua: Algeria is the bread made from wheat or flour.
Couscous is the emblem and symbol of all the Maghreb region, the taking of international fame. It is clear that this dish is as old as history. It is not merely a recipe from the kitchen recipes where Algerian mixed set of components Alzivp but is considered the right of cultural identity for the region, including magnitude of the mean. So that we can not know the habits of a region without reference to the refracted more cerebral, *****ng and jewels on her head, of course, because of couscous of an intimate relationship with this community. It has also become couscous
channel carries a set of real-life stories and fairy tales of them so that we can not talk about the old site or a new private and public good were painful or only was mentioned.
Often are associated with this mother, sitting on the skin of sheep (Alheidorp) Second legs and has a bowl and a lot of pots and pans and sieves. And women around her: the first and second going Fl (sifting) and third evaporation over much they talk and they exchange Eetmazhn time Icajern times.
The couscous is a symbol of the traditions of the Algerian party, marriage, circumcision, and several funeral …. It is a link between the family and so you see them on Friday to set aside a day of rest weekly lunch that day, that is not to over couscous
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Kouider/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.jpg[/IMG]The root of the couscous in the region are as old as the people there that we can relate the coming of civilization without the other but mix broth mixture of different types of vegetables, including fresh and dried spices and a lot of meat if it is a combination of those cultures and Msohrp them. Hack and some recipes:
• couscous chicken.
• couscous with milk.
• couscous whale
• couscous greenery.
• couscous Balasbanp.
• couscous Kabyles.
• Muammar couscous.
• Mesfov Baljelbanp.
• Mesfov Constantine.
• couscous with dates.
• Ervais Zirawi
• Chicken foolishness.
• raisin foolishness.
• couscous debris.
• couscous Baklie.
• yield
In the present:
Dominated by fast food and snacks to eat the original for the people of Algeria Therefore, we believe that many of them released by the Algerian cuisine, it became all Makulath canned and ready to eat, mostly from outside the home, and we now see housewives rarely ****, and if Tbouko Aftboukhm be eaten Eastern or Western, but for Heritage not to eat, but we see in religious occasions only.
Into the future:
I believe that the future will be non-existent Algerian cuisine does not exist and never, if they keep pace with civilization make us forget our customs and traditions
IV /- Entertainment in Algeria
1/- In the past
Algerians were far from the old quasi-entertainment, but can say that his time were all found work, and entertains himself weddings only. But even he was not interested in entertainment because his job is entertainment in itself
2/- In the present:
Today has become all walks of life to entertain self has become available to the Algerians terms of comfort and pleasure Kavaat online games in addition to the multi-sports halls, do not forget that the Algerians, especially the youth have become masters interested in partying and festivals .
I can not predict the future condition because it would be like any traces of civilization, and keep pace with modernization
As it is now observed that the Algerian is interested in a lot of entertainment, so the case would be worse than it is today .
IV /- Entertainment in Algeria
1/- In the past
Algerians were far from the old quasi-entertainment, but can say that his time were all found work, and entertains himself weddings only. But even he was not interested in entertainment because his job is entertainment in itself
2/- In the present:
Today has become all walks of life to entertain self has become available to the Algerians terms of comfort and pleasure Kavaat online games in addition to the multi-sports halls, do not forget that the Algerians, especially the youth have become masters interested in partying and festivals .
I can not predict the future condition because it would be like any traces of civilization, and keep pace with modernization
As it is now observed that the Algerian is interested in a lot of entertainment, so the case would be worse than it is today .
IV /- Entertainment in Algeria
1/- In the past
Algerians were far from the old quasi-entertainment, but can say that his time were all found work, and entertains himself weddings only. But even he was not interested in entertainment because his job is entertainment in itself
2/- In the present:
Today has become all walks of life to entertain self has become available to the Algerians terms of comfort and pleasure Kavaat online games in addition to the multi-sports halls, do not forget that the Algerians, especially the youth have become masters interested in partying and festivals .
I can not predict the future condition because it would be like any traces of civilization, and keep pace with modernization
As it is now observed that the Algerian is interested in a lot of entertainment, so the case would be worse than it is today .
IV /- Entertainment in Algeria
1/- In the past
Algerians were far from the old quasi-entertainment, but can say that his time were all found work, and entertains himself weddings only. But even he was not interested in entertainment because his job is entertainment in itself
2/- In the present:
Today has become all walks of life to entertain self has become available to the Algerians terms of comfort and pleasure Kavaat online games in addition to the multi-sports halls, do not forget that the Algerians, especially the youth have become masters interested in partying and festivals .
I can not predict the future condition because it would be like any traces of civilization, and keep pace with modernization
As it is now observed that the Algerian is interested in a lot of entertainment, so the case would be worse than it is today
أريد إختبارات مرفقة بلحل لسنة الثانية ثناوي أداب وفلسفة
أيها الناس الطيبون
السبب: عدم التقيد بالقوانين
منتـــــــــــــــــدى الطلبات : هنـــــــا
قوانيــــــــــن المنتدى: هنــــــــــــــــا
ارجو أن أجد المساعدة عندكم ….. ***انجاز فقرة في مادة الفرنسية بخصوص أحدات 20 اوت 1955***
le sujet:
à l’occasion de la célébration de la journées du 20 août 1955 . Votre professeur d’histoire vous demande de lui préparer une page qui sera affichée dans le journal du lycée afin d’informer les élèves sur les circonstances et des évènements ayant marqué cette date ….
Rédigez le texte en une 20 ligne….
et merciiiiiiiiii d’avance.
نرجو وضع الطلبابت في القسم المناسب + احترام ضوابط وقوانين وضع الطلبات
هذا مدونة الطلبات والبحوث المدرسية للتعليم الثانوي
ارجوا ان تكون سهلة وصغيرة لانني ساحفظها
تحياتي للجميع
L’atmosphère est une épaisse couche de gaz qui entoure la Terre. L’atmosphère s’étend jusqu’à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres au-dessus de nous, mais la majeure partie des gaz s’entassent dans les 15 premiers kilomètres. Cette partie de l’atmosphère s’appelle la troposhère. Elle contient assez d’air pour notre respiration et notre survie.
Plus des trois quarts de l’atmosphère sont constitués d’azote (78%), le reste étant surtout de l’oxygène (21 %). Le gaz carbonique, la vapeur d’eau et d’autres gaz comme le néon, l’hélium, l’ozone et le krypton constituent moins de 1 % de l’atmosphère. Cette expérience montre que l’oxygène occupe un cinquième (21%) du volume de l’air.
Pendant que la bougie brûle, l’eau monte dans le pot, prenant la place de l’oxygène. La flamme s’éteint quand tout l’oxygène a été utilisé. Le niveau d’eau est monté à un cinquième environ de la hauteur du pot, ce qui indique que l’oxygène, dans l’air initial, occupait environ un cinquième du volume.
و هذا رابط عدة تجارب بالفرنسية.
أخوكم BiG
السلام عليكم
اعرف انكم وجدتم ضغطا كبيرا في التسجيل وهذا ما حصل لي لكن ليس بعد الان
يمكنكم التسجيل وحجز مكان شرط دعوة صالحة من القلب
راسلوني عبر السا-يب على
تجدوه مغلق فقط لاوقات الصلاة
فرصة سانحة الى يوم الاحد شكرا
في الدوال الاسية اشارة المشتقة هل تتبع اشارة الاس ام اشارة a اما الدالة الاسية
مثلا : é-2X هي سالبة ام موجبة
يرب يفيدوك
ويارب تنجحي يارب وكي تنجحي تنساي كلش هههههه
لا باس لاعليك اخي
شكرا لك وبارك اللهم فيك
والمشتقة تاعك تدرسيها بالمقارنة لهاد الخاصة اي انك تحلي المتراجحة
واش فيها المشتقة تاعك تضيفيه للخاصية وادا كاينة الناقص تتعكس الاشارة من الاكبر للاصغر
ومن هنا تقولي المشتقة موجبة ولا سالبة
اما هاديك لي من اشارة a راهي خاصة بالدالة كثيرة حدود
بحث مختصر حول منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة (UNICEF) بالانجليزية + العربية + الفرنسية
United Nations Children’s Fund
منظمة الطفولة , nations unies pour l’enfance , united nations children’s
UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1954, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this old name.
UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors and UNICEF’s total income for 2022 was $3,372,540,239. Governments contribute two thirds of the organization’s resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest through the National Committees. It is estimated that 91.8% of their revenue is distributed to Program Services. UNICEF’s programs emphasize developing community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children. UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 and the Prince of Asturias Award of Concord in 2022.
Most of UNICEF’s work is in the field, with staff in over 390 countries and territories. More than 200 country offices carry out UNICEF’s mission through a program developed with host governments. Seventeen regional offices provide technical assistance to country offices as needed.
Overall management and administration of the organization takes place at its headquarters in New York. UNICEF’s Supply Division is based in Copenhagen and serves as the primary point of distribution for such essential items as vaccines, antiretroviral medicines for children and mothers with HIV, nutritional supplements, emergency 40404040ters, educational supplies, among others. A 36-member Executive Board establishes policies, approves programs and oversees administrative and financial plans. The Executive Board is made up of government representatives who are elected by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, usually for three-year terms.
Following the reaching of term limits by Executive Director of UNICEF Carol Bellamy, former United States Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman became executive director of the organization in May 2022, with an agenda to increase the organization’s focus on the Millennium Development Goals. She was succeeded in May 2022, by Anthony Lake.
UNICEF is an inter-governmental organization and thus is accountable to those governments. UNICEF’s salary and benefits package is based on the United Nations Common System.
منظمة الطفولة , nations unies pour l’enfance , united nations children’s
منظمة الطفولة , nations unies pour l’enfance , united nations children’s
L’UNICEF a reçu le prix Nobel de la paix en 1965.
ارجو منكم حلول تمارين الرياضيات للسنة الاولى ثانوي جذع مشترك اداب