ادارة المتوسطات والأساتذة والأولياء

Listen to the pupils, and the pupils will listen to you


For the English Teacher

You would expect to hear a review of this sort, from someone high in authority or experienced in education. But, today, you are going to hear the thoughts and opinions from someone who worked with teachers near enough everyday of her life though her childhood; a pupil. Surely, everyone, has spent their childhood dealing with the stress and pressure of teachers. But the difference with myself, is, I was working alongside with them. , I have had plenty of experience. I now see how great teachers have been in the past, and also they could have improved their teaching methods, to help me.

Here is the following, in any random order, some things I think are important when it comes to teaching.

1. Experience is not everything!

Every time, in the past, I have ever had an issue with a teacher, I always get the same response. “I have been teaching for many years, I think I should know”. I despise teachers who use this phrase, with a vengeance. Sometimes, I feel as if the older teachers know less, than more. It is as if their head is still floating in the past, to when they disciplined children with the belt! Over the years, teaching methods have changed, new rights and rules have been created, and universities are teaching, teachers, in a whole new way. Perhaps, because they have been teaching for so long, they have missed out on all the new stuff, ignored all the modern methods, and still kept the same routine of teaching as they have in the 70’s., teachers didn’t get the whole idea that you have a little less strict, and, as a result, discipline children for things they do not deserve to be disciplined for, this is very confusing for children, and as a result may cause distress and anger in a child. So, in conclusion, some older teachers may be slightly immature, in the way that they refuse to teach the modern way, because, they hate the idea of being wrong. I think this is very immature! How can an immature teacher teach others to be mature? And trust me, this does happen!

2. Put a bloody smile on that coopin, hen.
This is probably the most important part of teaching. Personality! For example, one teacher is a really pleasant, nice, and soft hearted. She has a great talent of interacting with pupils, speaking the ******** of pupils! Could you image working with people who never smiled, were always dry, and very unsociable! How bored would you be! Well, this is the case with children. If a teacher fails to socialise properly with children, they are likely to get very bored! It makes you feel really depressed, and you simply don’t enjoy the subject, when your teacher is like this. And when you don’t enjoy the subject, you don’t learn anything. It is very true! There is no way, on earth, you can be good at something you don’t enjoy! So, in conclusion, it’s important to have a lot of personality when teaching, you should interact with your pupils, and discuss things other than grades! Of course, only when it’s appropriate.

3. Keeping it balanced.
Okay, I will admit, the teacher I described in the previous paragraph (the good one), isn’t the best type of teacher! She is very soft hearted, and has no idea about discipline. My favourite teacher, probably has to be my physics teacher! She has all the qualities as described above, but she knows when to put her foot down. Its very important for teachers to have a healthy balance. One one side, being nice, friendly, talkative, and on the other side, strict and stubborn. The strict and stubborn teachers, will, get results! But these teachers don’t care how they get the results; as long as they have got them! Once again, this is distressing and depressing for pupils. Being a nice and friendly person, but using discipline when you need to, gets the best results! Meaning, everyone is happy, both ways.

4. Equality
learners are all equal untill they show their success and qualities

5. Understanding, listening, and discussing.
Sometimes, I wish teachers would listen to what you have to say. Sometimes, they purposely put you down because they know they have authority over you. If you are having a problem, sometimes they just repeat what the given task is, and walk away. Then, two minutes later, if you are still having difficulties, your not “trying”. There’s nothing more frustrating when you are being accused of not trying when your trying your hardest. You feel redundant, left out, and disowned. Teachers have to start 1. listen to the problem. Teachers think they can listen to the first three words of your problem, and start explaining what is happening. But sometimes, they get the wrong idea, and their response is “did you just listen to a word I said”. And you feeling like saying “yes, did listen to a word you said, actually, I listened to every word you said, how many of my words did you listen to, three?”. Although, you don’t wish to as you don’t want to cause any more trouble. 2. They should understand. They should help you explain your problem in the best words until the pupil has agreed that the teacher understands their question. This is important especially in lower school S1-S4. As they maybe can’t always explain where they are stuck. 3. discuss. Teachers shouldn’t just lecture on what you have done wrong and right, they should discuss, allow you to be a part of the learning too! And that way, maybe both teachers and pupils learn things from each other.

I would like to congratulate all the teachers who do use these methods, discuss, listen and understand (not in that order). The only person who can really teach you how to teach, is a pupil. It’s like that saying, what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Think about that saying, then think about teachers learning from pupils, and pupils learning from teachers. You’ll understand!

Listen to the pupils, and the pupils will listen to you


موضوع رائع ومميز

* تميــز +-+ تالــق +-+ ابــداع *

سلـــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــمى

تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية

will or going to

تعليمية تعليمية

Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but with time and practice, the differences will become clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.
زمن المستقبل في اللغة الأنجليزية عبارة عن شكلين مختلفين و هما :will——-going to
بالرغم من اننا نستطيع استخدام كلا النوعين بالتبادل و لكنهما يعبران عن معنيين مختلفيين كلية .
و هذين المعنيين يمكن أن يبدوان مجردين في البداية و لكن مع الوقت و التمرين سوف يتضح اختلاف المعنى بينهما .كلا الكلمتين تشيران إلى نقطة معينة من الزمن في المستقبل .

"Will" is usually used in promises.
• I will call you when I arrive.

• If I am elected President of the United States, I will make sure everyone has access to inexpensive health insurance.
• I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.
• Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.

I won’t tell anyone your secret.

نستخدم will للتعبير عن الوعد

3 "Be going to" to Express a Plan
تستخدم going to للتعبير عن خطة قبلية أى أن شخصا ما يريد أن يعمل شيئا في المستقبل و لا يهم ما إذا كان هذا الشئ حقيقى أم لا .
"Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses the idea that a person intends to do something in the future. It does not matter whether the plan is realistic or not.



• He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.
• She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii.
• A: When are we going to meet each other tonight?
B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.
• I’m going to be an actor when I grow up.
• Michelle is going to begin medical school next year.
• They are going to drive all the way to Alaska.
• Who are you going to invite to the party?

• A: Who is going to make John’s birthday cake?
B: Sue is going to make John’s birthday cake.

4 "Will" or "Be Going to" to Express a Prediction

نستخدم كلا من will or going to للتعبير عن تنبؤ بحصول شئ في المستقبل . فالتنبؤات هى تخمينات يمكن حصولها مستقبلا . و في الجمل التنبؤية يكون للفاعل تحكم بسيط في المستقبل و لذلك بإمكاننا استخدام كلا الكلمتين .
Both "will" and "be going to" can express the idea of a general prediction about the future. Predictions are guesses about what might happen in the future. In "prediction" sentences, the subject usually has little control over the future and therefore USES 1-3 do not apply. In the following examples, there is no difference in meaning.
• The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.
• The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.
• John Smith will be the next President.
• John Smith is going to be the next President.
• The movie "Zenith" will win several Academy Awards.

• The movie "Zenith" is going to win several Academy Awards.

HERE are some exercises if you want to solve and practise :
• The President ……………serve for four years.

The boss ………….. be very happy.

• I’m sure you……….. like her.

• I’m certain he’………….do a good job.

• Not a cloud in the sky. It’s ………….be another warm day.
• Look at the queue. We’re not……………get in for hours.
• The traffic is terrible. We’re …………..miss our flight.
• Be careful! You’re…………..spill your coffee.
يالا ياشطار ورونا الشطاره
بس انا هاغششكم حاجه صغيره تعرفكم الفرق
دائما قبل (going to ) لازم ييجى فعل مساعد زى(am-is -ar )
لكن قبل (will) ما بييجى فعل مساعد
ها اظن بقت سهله جدا
يالا ورونا الشطاره



تعليمية تعليمية

شكرا لك استاذة على هذا الدرس الرائع

جزاك الله خير

مشكوة و بارك الله فيك

دمت بهذا العطاء

شكرا مينو شكرا رنين

انشاء الله تستفيدوا من موضوعي

وفي انتظار تعليقات الاخرين

شكرا مجددا

nice work thnx

قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية

حالات استخدام will

حالات استخدام will


00 أقدم لكم في هذا الدرس شرح للحالات التي نستخدم فيها will .

نستخدم will في الحالات الأتية :

1 – لكي نتحدث عن شئ ما في المستقبل 0 ( غالبا مستقبل بعيد )

Life will be different in a hundred years’ time
Juliet will be 20 next month

2 – ونستخدمها لكي نتحدث عن أشياء لا يستطيع المتكلم أن يتحكم فيها 0
( عندما نتنبأ بشئ ما في المستقبل )
I think England will win on Saturday
Brazil will win the World Cup

3- ونستخدمها عندما نتحدث عن أشياء لم نقرر بعد أن نفعلها حتي لحظة الكلام 0 أي إننا نستخدمها
عندما نقرر شيئا فجأة عند الكلام 0
I think I will read a book this evening
I will phone her now

4 – ونستخدمها للطلب أو الرجاء 0

Will you shut the ****** , please ?
Will you wait a moment , please ?

5 – ونستخدمها لإعطاء دعوة 0

Will you sit down ?
Will you have dinner with me ?

6 – ونستخدمها للوعود 0

I will write , I promise
you will get your money back

7 – ونستخدمها للرفض 0

That car won’t start . what’s wrong with it ?
I won’t put up with rudeness .
rudeness وقاحة – put up with يتحمل

8- ونستخدمها لكي نقول أن شيئا ما مؤكد 0

I sent the parcel last week , so they will have it by now
He left half an hour ago , so he will be home by now

9 – ونستخدمها للأوامر المشددة 0

You will do as I tell you
Nurses will wear uniform at all times

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركآآته
بارك الله فيك أختي على الجلب القيم
بانتظآآر المزيد

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thenq you

……………………. ………….

بارك الله فيك