
for you sharl

you came to me in that our of need
when i was so lost so lonly
you came to me at time of despair
i called onto you
and you were there
for you i sacrifise

for you i give my life
any thing just to be with you
i feel so lost at times by all the hurt and lies
now all i want is to be with you
you are my one true love
showed me the light above
now all i want is to be with you
you will stay in my heart for ever

Thank you
Wonderful feelings

تم نقل الموضوع الى القسم المناسب

Thank you it is a wonderful

شكرا على مروركم العطر

Merci pour les belles paroles d’amour

Thank you it’s very goodتعليمية:

تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية

for you sharl

you came to me in that our of need
when i was so lost so lonly
you came to me at time of despair
i called onto you
and you were there
for you i sacrifise

for you i give my life
any thing just to be with you
i feel so lost at times by all the hurt and lies
now all i want is to be with you
you are my one true love
showed me the light above
now all i want is to be with you
you will stay in my heart for ever

Thank you
Wonderful feelings

تم نقل الموضوع الى القسم المناسب

Thank you it is a wonderful

شكرا على مروركم العطر

Merci pour les belles paroles d’amour

Thank you it’s very goodتعليمية: