السنة الثالثة متوسط

sujet 1 de englais 3 AM

الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية الديوان الوطني للتعليم و التكوين عن بعد
2022 – فرض المراقبة السنة الدراسية: 2022
المستوى : 3 متوسطة المادة : إنجليزية عدد الصفحات : 2
إعداد : حجام أكلي/ أستاذ التعليم المتوسط
1. Susan: Hello Lydia, you look happy today .What’s up?
2. Lydia: I have a new teacher of English.
3. Susan: What’s his name?
4. Lydia: Mr. Green.
5. Susan: What does he look like?
6. Lydia: He is tall with brown hair and dark eyes.
7. Susan: And what’s he like?
8. Lydia: He is really calm, serious and cheerful.
9. Susan: Oh, you’re very lucky Lydia. Mine is rather strict.
Part One
Section one: Reading comprehension…… (7points)
I/ Read the dialogue then choose the right answer.
1) – Susan is talking to ……………… a) Susan – b) Mr. Green – c) Lydia .
2) -Lydia’s teacher is ………………… a) Mr. Green – b) Mr. Brown – c) Mr. Black
3) -……… …has a new teacher of English. a) Mr. Green – b) Susan – c) Lydia
II / Read the dialogue then fill in the table.
III/ Lexis :
1) Find in the dialogue words closest in meaning to the following.
glad = ………………….. , black = …………………..
2) Find in the dialogue words opposed in meaning to the following.
nervous ≠……………………… , small ≠………………………….
Section two: Mastery of ********. ……………….. (7points) 1- Put the capital letters and the punctuation.
susan’s teacher of english is rather strict.
2- Match questions with answers:
– What’s his name? – He is calm and cheerful.
– What does he look like? – His name is Mr. Green.
– What is he like? – He is tall and slim.
2022 -02 – تنبيه :آخر أجل لإعادة الفرض إلى المركز الجهوي : 15
Physical Appearance Personality

Mr. Green
…….. – ………. – ……….. …….. – ………. – ………..
Mark the intonation (up = 􀃒 or down = 􀃔 ) on the following question
Part two: Integrated Situation : (6points)
Your English friend wants to know more about you.
Write a paragraph talking about your appearance, personality, likes and dislikes.
http:// www. onefd .edu. dz : موقع الديوان
العنوان الإلكتروني للمركز الجهوي……………….
Question Intonation
1) Who is your teacher of English?
2) Is he tall? بالتوفيق:educ40_smilies_1 1:

جزاك الله خيرا اختي

ان شاء الله تعم الفائدة للجميع

1. Susan: Hello Lydia, you look happy today .What’s up?
2. Lydia: I have a new teacher of English.
3. Susan: What’s his name?
4. Lydia: Mr. Green.
5. Susan: What does he look like?
6. Lydia: He is tall with brown hair and dark eyes.
7. Susan: And what’s he like?
8. Lydia: He is really calm, serious and cheerful.
9. Susan: Oh, you’re very lucky Lydia. Mine is rather strict.
Part One
Section one: Reading comprehension…… (7points)
I/ Read the dialogue then choose the right answer.
1) – Susan is talking to lydia.
2) -Lydia’s teacher is Mr. Green
3) –lydia has a new teacher of English.
II / Read the dialogue then fill in the table.
III/ Lexis :
1) Find in the dialogue words closest in meaning to the following.
glad = happy , black = dark
2) Find in the dialogue words opposed in meaning to the following.
nervous ≠ cheerful , small ≠ tall
Section two: Mastery of ********. ……………….. (7points) 1- Put the capital letters and the punctuation.
susan’s teacher of english is rather strict.
2- Match questions with answers:
– What’s his name? – His name is Mr. Green.
– What does he look like? – He is tall and slim.
– What is he like? – He is calm and cheerful.

هذا حل الصفحة الأولى…وسيتم حل التعبير الكتابي

نسيت بعض الأسئلة بالجواب الأول والآن فقط حملت صفحة الأسئلة من الموقع وسيتم حلها بعد قليل إن شاء الله

شكرا لكي على الاسئلة وشكرا لك اخ جنرال على الحلول

Section two: Mastery of ********. ……………….. (7points) 1- Put the capital letters and the punctuation.

Susan’s teacher of english is Rather Strict.

II / Read the dialogue then fill in the table
tallbrown hairdark eyes.
Question Intonation
1) Who is your teacher of English? يجيب عليها التلميذ لأنها على أستاذه
2) Is he tall? يجيب عليها التلميذ لأنها على أستاذه

Part two: Integrated Situation : (6points)
Your English friend wants to know more about you.
Write a paragraph talking about your appearance, personality, likes and dislikes.

Hi i’m (..Your name)…,i’m (your age) yers old,i’m tall and slim,i have black fair hair,and brown eyes,i like making new friends ,reading and swimming, i don’t like watching tv and lier people….


من يرى خطأ ويصححه فله كل الشكر

thank you very mach

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