السنة اولى ثانوي

please help me

hi . how are you
our teacher give us a home work about
give information about your self
information about your school
weekend( what do you do )

town in which you live
country in which you live 4040404040404040 (bordered)
please help me

hi . how are you
our teacher give us a home work about
give information about your self
information about your school
weekend( what do you do )
town in which you live
country in which you live 4040404040404040 (bordered)
please help me

لم افهم فيما تريدين ان نساعدك؟

اختي شيماء طلب منك معلومات عن نفسك انت من يقوم بملئ المعلومات عن نفسك

name : الاسم واللقب
age : العمر
information about your school : معلومات عن مدرستك
weekend( what do you do ) : كيف تقضي عطلة نهاية الاسبوع
family : حدثيهم عن عائلتك
town in which you live : حدثيهم عن المدينة التي تعيشين فيها

موفقة ان شاء الله

اعطيني اسمك و لقبك وعمرك ومعلومات حول عائلتك وكل ما تريدين
و انا انشاء الله سوف اجمعها لك في فقرة

i received your email and i was glad to have it here are some information about me .my family and my country
my name is chaimaa i am from algeria . i am a girl of 15 years old . i study in school some 10 years in our country we generally entre to school when we was 6 years old in the futur i want to become doctor so i will study in the university for 7 more years
on week days i always get up 7:00
but one the week end i rarely get up early and i sometime go out in the week end because i like to stay at home for watching tv or playing video games or chating in the facebook with my friends
i live in chlef which is Located in the north west of Algeria

algeria is a beautiful tourist country with his exceptional desert that is extremely larg and his very very nice

algeria we have about 40 millions people so algeria is more populated than Tunisia and maroc

pleas accept my sincerest thanks and i should like to express my gratitude to you

You have so much mistakes and repetition

I think this is better

my name is chaimaa i am from algeria . i am a girl of 15 years old . i study in school Since 10 years. in our country we generally enter to school when we become 6 years old,in the futur i want to be a doctor, so i will study in the university for another 7 years
i wake up at 7:00 everyday
some weekends i prefer to stay at home for watching tv or playing video games or chatting in the facebook with my friends
i live in chlef which is Located in the north west of Algeria

algeria is a beautiful tourist country with it’s exceptional desert that is extremely large and it’s very very nice

in Algeria there are about 40 million inhabitants, so Algeria is more populated than Tunisia and maroc

please accept my sincerest thanks and i would like to express my gratitude to you

Good Luck 🙂

السنة الثانية ثانوي

Heleeeeeep me please

يعاني سكان الجنوب من مشكل التزود بالطاقة الكهربائية في فصل الصيف. و المعروف أن الرياح تهب بالجنوب بشكل مستمر و دائم على ضوء مادرست . و على ضوء المعطيات المقدمة ماهو أحسن نموذج يمكن اان تقترحه لتسهيل عملية إنتاج و تزويد الجنوب بالطاقة الكهربائية قصد إنارة المنازل على الاقل. انطلاقا من الرياح

أنجز السلسلة الوظيفية و الطاقوية الموافقة لهذا التركيب ?

و شكراا لـــتعليميةكــ ـــــم