Accord verbe -sujet – cours
- There is + singulier : There is a big dog in the garden
- There are + pluriel : There are poor people (le mot people est un pluriel) in the street.
- Either …or + singulier : Either James or Tony is able to help you
- Neither …nor + singulier : Neither dad nor mum has time.
- … and … + pluriel : The man and his wife are French
- Tout vêtement ‘à 2 jambes’, jeans, shorts, pyjamas, trousers, pants : mots pluriels
- police, people… + pluriel : The police are in the street
- clothes (= vêtements)=> n’a pas de singulier (‘cloth’ n’est pas le singulier de ‘clothes’=> a table cloth : une nappe/ a dish cloth : un torchon )
- ‘un vêtement’ => an article of clothing
- Attention aux mots suivants qui sont suivis d’un singulier alors qu’ils se terminent par un ‘s’ :crossroads (= carrefour), news (= information), mathematics, physics, economics, athletics, politics, civics, the United States, a series ( a series of disasters)…
- everybody + singulier : Everybody is tired
جزاك الله خيرا على الموضوع القيم
باركـ الله فيكـ
thank you a lot my friend
جزيت خيرا
جعله في ميزان حسناتك و نفعنا به
جزيت خيرا
جعله في ميزان حسناتك و نفعنا به
بارك الله فيكم وسدد خطاكم وجعلكم من اهل الجنة ومن الطيبن يارب العالمين
تقبلوا مروري المتواضع
المعلمة هنــاء