We are told by spiritual teachers that it is essential to forgive others and ourselves for any grievances we may hold. We are told that it doesn’t mean that we condone the behaviour, or accept the person back into our life. It doesn’t mean we have to understand, see eye-to-eye or allow them to continue harming us.
What forgiveness means, is that we are ready to let go. We intend to move on, without the hindrance of painful moments. Forgiveness is about the Intention to change; to start afresh, unencumbered by the negative challenges of the past.
The next step in forgiveness, is to Make Peace.
Making Peace is the closure part of forgiveness. It is the part that makes an affirmative decision to go forward on a path of light, goodness and healing. Making Peace is about compassion, and positive perseverance; it is focussing on the fulfilment of your desires, rather than being tied down by the fears of past inadequacies.
Making Peace is a way of life. It is a new way of being with yourself and with others. It is about healing power being present in every moment of interaction with anyone or anything. When we Make Peace, our entire world opens up in a new direction, one that is Sacred and Holy. In Peace, all is well. All-ways.
I came to this realisation recently, after doing some deep forgiveness work whereby I wrote out all the people, ideas, things both animate and inanimate – anything and everything that has ever caused me to feel offended or upset – I wrote “I forgive…”. It was exhausting work, but nonetheless important to arrive at this stage. It is here where I now feel released of all the pressures and burdens of carrying around all those useless, pointless, harmful thought forms.
I put down my battle swords, and picked up beaming candles of light and healing.
I arm myself now instead with a transforming shield of light and love. As arrows continue to fly, I let them bounce off, because I am now fortified with the spiritual practice of a commitment to Making Peace.
I remind myself of the necessity to keep clear about Making Peace. My inner thoughts embrace Making Peace. It is my first thought in the morning, it is my last thought at night. It makes me At Peace. It heals me. And as it heals me, it heals the world.
I Make Peace with Myself
I make peace with who I am. I make peace with what I do. I make peace with what I didn’t do. I make peace with my successes. I make peace with my habits. I make peace with my body. I make peace with my mind. I make peace with my lifestyle. I make peace with my shortcomings. I make peace with my abilities. I make peace with my desires. I make peace with my life.
I Make Peace with People
I make peace with my boyfriend. I make peace with my mother. I make peace with my father. I make peace with my sister. I make peace with my niece. I make peace with my nephew. I make peace with my cousins. I make peace with my boyfriend’s family. I make peace with the neighbours. I make peace with my friends. I make peace with my co-workers. I make peace with employers. I make peace with salespeople. I make peace with customers. I make peace with people in the street. I make peace with crowds. I make peace with drivers. I make peace with tv personalities.
I Make Peace with Things
I make peace with appliances. I make peace with cars. I make peace with furniture. I make peace with ornaments. I make peace with electronics. I make peace with telephones. I make peace with laundry. I make peace with houses. I make peace with roads.
I Make Peace with Nature
I make peace with weeds. I make peace with hurricanes. I make peace with tornadoes. I make peace with volcanoes. I make peace with the wind. I make peace with forests. I make peace with rivers. I make peace with oceans. I make peace with earthquakes. I make peace with gravity.
I Make Peace with Technology
I make peace with the speed of life. I make peace with airplanes. I make peace with computers. I make peace with the internet. I make peace with gadgets. I make peace with impersonality. I make peace with voice mail. I make peace with email.
I Make Peace with Society
I make peace with violence. I make peace with capitalism. I make peace with racism. I make peace with religious intolerance. I make peace with fear. I make peace with borders. I make peace with laws. I make peace with taxes. I make peace with creditors. I make peace with noise. I make peace with children. I make peace with pensioners. I make peace with disabilities. I make peace with educational institutions. I make peace with blame.
I Make Peace with God
I make peace with having a body. I make peace with earning a living. I make peace with learning lessons. I make peace with adversity and hardship. I make peace with love and joy. I make peace with loss. I make peace with possessions. I make peace with time. I make peace with mortality. I make peace with immortality. I make peace with life on earth. I make peace with death.
I Make Peace
These are but a few things that I now choose to Make Peace with. I invite you to deeply consider what you, too, can Make Peace with, Now.
Making Peace will change your life in the best way
هذه هي طريقة الغرب لحفظ السلام
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ارجو تفاعل موضوع حساس.
شكرا اخي علاء موضوع مميز لي العودة
Thank you for your giving
thank you 4 the great topic
شكـــــــــــرا لك أخي العزيز انت فعلا عضو مميز
أرجوا أن تفيدنا بمواضيعك الرائعة
أرجوا أن تفيدنا بمواضيعك الرائعة
wonderful topic thanks a lot
thnks a lot nice work