والله صعيب بزاف
UNWRA United Nations Relief Works Agency The UNWRA is the U.N organization which brings relief to people in need.
ABC American Broadcasting Company ABC is one of the four most important TV channels in the United States of America.
A-BOMB Atomic bomb A bomb which derives its destructive power from the rapid release of energy by fission of
heavy atomic nuclei. The first atomic bomb to be used was dropped on Hiroshima , Japan on 6 August 1945 by the USA.
AID Agency for International Development
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CNN Cable News Network
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FIFA Federation Internationale de Football Association (International Association Football Association)
GB Great Britain Great Britain comprises …
MBC Middle East Broadcasting Company
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NBA National Basketball Association
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy
PTA Parent-teacher Association / Passenger Transport Authority
UK United Kingdom
WBA World Boxing Association
وهذا الحل اذا احتاجو اي واحد